Being creative is important for so many people dealing with mental health issues.

How to Support Mental Health with craft: Tips for Mental Awareness Week

Crafting can be extremely calming - doing 5 minutes of repetitive stitching can calm the mind and give you the space to process your thoughts.
The next time you feel upset or have intrusive thoughts, take yourself off to a quiet place with your project.
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Feeling gloomy?
Select your brightest, cheeriest colour to work with even if it's in small projects. Working with something bright will release dopomine to make you feel good.

Or, visit your local yarn or fabric store to give your eyes a treat!

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There are many crafting groups where you are sure to find a group with people you like. Be it at one of our paid courses, Knit & Natters or 'Crafternoons' that take place across towns and villages. You won't be too far from finding a group.
Being with people creates a strong community and forms friendship bonds releasing endorphins or 'feel good hormones'. See if you can join a group in your local area.
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Adding movement to your daily routine can have a positive impact on your mental health, in lots of different ways.
A little walk to your local craft store and moving those hands to the rhythm of the needles all count. You'll always be welcomed with a friendly smile and time to chat at Knit & Stitch if you wish.
Or can you find other ways to move a little more?
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Don't underestimate your abilities. Being creative is similar to having a special set of skills and not everyone has them. You take some materials and turn them into something spectacular, how clever is that!

If you want to improve your skills or learn something new we run lots of classes offering tuition in sewing, knitting and crochet. Click here to see our timetable.
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As a crafter, you are typically kind and enjoy the act of giving. Whether it be a blanket for a new baby on the way or a money-can't-buy knitted creation, we enjoy giving away our makes to those that appreciate them.
There are many charities that are always in need of things - hats for the prem baby unit or twiddle-muffs for dementia patients.

Tell us which charity you support with your making?
If you are in need of professional help, there are many charities you can seek help from.
Click HERE to find help and advice from the Mind website