I love a challenge, whether it's 30 days of yoga, decluttering kitchen cupboards or a week of detox, there is something ab
out trying to keep up that spurs me on. Nothing too strenuous, just enough to, well, challenge me and notice a little difference.
So this got me thinking, where are all the creative challenges? Looking online I found little that didn't involve fitness so I'm starting my own next month and I hope you'll join me too.
Twenty eight days, the whole month of February where we can love our creative selves and put aside a few mindful minutes a day to tune into our creative senses. Be it knitting 'every damn day', stitching on our commute or taking the first step to making a new garment, I want to commit to do something creative every day next month.
I'd love you to join in, it's just for fun and in the process we may even bust some of those projects piling up. We'll be speaking and sharing pictures about this over in our closed Facebook group throughout the month and sharing progress on Instagram too.
Will you join me? I've included a little progress sheet for you to download at the bottom, feel free to fill out.
I look forward to seeing all your lovely projects from start to finish.
Liz x